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Press Releases and other News
Lettre aux parlementaires français:” Sauvez le droit d’auteur à la française!”( 30 Janvier, 2003)
Letter to French members of Parliament:” Save authors’ rights ‘à la française’ “( 30th January, 2003)
The French HADAS-LEBEL mission on authors’ rights calls for a return to statu quo ante ( December 10, 2002)
Denmark: Information on collective agreements for web publishing, web archive and digital press clippings (December 4, 2002)
France: Opinion letter signed by IFJ/EFJ and unions’ General Secretaries (version française)(November 22, 2002)
France: Journalists’ authors’ rights fiercely debated at the SNJ Congress (November 19, 2002)
Creators’ rights for all: position of the NUJ (October 21, 2002)
Some comments on the input and discussions “European Copyright Revisited” ( June 18th, 2002)
Section of the Unions
Authors’ Rights Expert Group (AREG)
Argument card: the anglo saxon approach
Olivier da Lage, membre du Comité Droit d’ Auteur de la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes rejoint le Conseil Supérieur de la Propriété Littéraire et Artistique
Authors’ Rights Basics
Authors’ Rights Conference
Moral Rights
Authors´ Rights and Rights-Management -Draft Directives on Copyright- Statement by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
Authors’ Rights Booklet
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
Press Release, 13/11/2002, World Journalists Join Protest Over French Assault on Authors’ Rights
Press Release, 15/10/2001, Freelance Photographer wins against National Geographic
Swedish Collective Agreement – Struggle for Better Authors’ Rights Message of Solidarity (November 2001)
Speech on Authors’ Rights by Anne Louise Schelin
IFJ opinion delivered at the Council of Europe hearing on “New forms of exploitation of journalistic works, in particular on-line” 10 February 2000 hosted by the Directorate General of Human Rights
Speech on Authors’ Rights by Anne Louise Schelin
Strasbourg EU Conference on Management and Legitimate Use of Intellectual Property, 9- 11. July 2000
JUHI Media Law
Media and Arts Alliance Rights
Belarusian Association of Journalists Media Law Protection
Dansk Journalistforbundet News
Information on collective agreements for web publishing, web archive and digital press clippings (December 4, 2002)
The High Court has sustained the claim of the Danish Union of Journalists in fundamentally important authors’ rights ruling (September 13, 2002)
Speech on Authors’ Rights by Anne Louise Schelin
IFJ opinion delivered at the Council of Europe hearing on “New forms of exploitation of journalistic works, in particular on-line” 10 February 2000 hosted by the Directorate General of Human Rights
Speech on Authors’ Rights by Anne Louise Schelin
Strasbourg EU Conference on Management and Legitimate Use of Intellectual Property, 9- 11. July 2000
EAL News
Finnish Journalist Union Copyright News
CFDT Page d’accueil-droit d’auteur
SNJ Droits d’auteur ttt
Lettre aux parlementaires français: Sauvez le droit d’auteur à la française!( 30 Janvier, 2003)
The French HADAS-LEBEL mission on authors’ rights calls for a return to statu quo ante ( December 10, 2002)
Opinion letter signed by IFJ/EFJ and unions’ General Secretaries (version française)(November 22, 2002)
Journalists’ authors’ rights fiercely debated at the SNJ Congress (November 19, 2002)
Minister Wants to Regulate Authors’ Rights in France (October 15, 2002)
Accords et Communiqués
DJV – Latest News Link
DJV – Reform of the Copyright Contract Law
DJV – Latest News Link
Ver.di – IG-Medien
Panhellenic Federation of Journalists Unions News
THE JUADNA and privately owned television channel ALTER singed a collective working agreement that stipulates 8% wages increase. It also specifies on Authors’ Rights.
It requires Journalist’s consent for work to be published or reproduced and a special fee to be paid. This special fee for every day of publication or reproduction can not be less than 1% and can not exceed half of the journalist’s monthly pay.
Also, stipulates that a commission is ot be formed where both parties will be represented and by the end of June 2002, will determine the essence of orginal work.
Hong Kong Journalists Association General News
Blaðamannafélags Íslands Main Page
NUJ India Main page
Association of Israel, Haifa and North Main Page
Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana Newsletter
LJU Media Law
NVJ News
Norsk Journalistlag News
ANP Main Page
Slovensky Syndikat Dokumenty o Medialnej Politike a Legislative
Drustvo novinarjev SlovenijeDokumenti
Svenska Journalistfoerbundet News
Svenska Journalistfoerbundet
Statement about the New Collective Agreement (July 2001)
Svenska Journalistfoerbundet
Frilansjournalistten – Authors’ Rights Victory
Frilansjournalistten – Authors’ Rights Victory – The Press Release in English
Swedish Collective Agreement – Struggle for Better Authors’ Rights Message of Solidarity (November 2001)
Press Release
Journalisten.ch/Journalistes.ch Medienpolitik/
Politique des media
Co Media Nouvelles
Tuerkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi Main Page
NUJU Main Page
Creators’ rights for all: position of the NUJ (October 21, 2002)
Channel 4 attemps a copyright grab on freelancers (October, 2002)
Freelance briefing paper
Public goods, personal rights
Sygma snappers’ strike shows style
Unlikely bedfellows
NUJ Copyright Links
Copyright and authors’ rights
Copyright Basics
Manipulated Pictures
The Newspaper GuildBargaining
National Writers Union (NWU) Union documents
National Writers Union (NWU)Copyright: a guide for freelancers (June 2002)
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